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Can Sexuality Change? What Is Sexual Fluidity?
Can Sexuality Change? What Is Sexual Fluidity?

Sexuality is one of the key aspects of a person’s identity – it influences how we think and feel, who we’re attracted to, and what sort of people we have relationships with. It’s an incredibly complex subject and one that’s still not fully understood by science.

That said, there’s a growing body of evidence to suggest that sexuality is not as predefined as previously thought. In other words, people’s sexual feelings may not be set in stone and could potentially change over time.

To help you make sense of this complex topic, below we will discuss the concept of sexual fluidity and answer some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

Read on and understand the most important things to know about sexual fluidity!

What Is Sexual Fluidity?

Sexual fluidity describes the capacity of an individual’s sexual attraction and orientation to change over time. This means that a person who is attracted to the opposite sex today may not necessarily feel the same way in the future.

As such, the old divide between heterosexual and homosexual individuals is no longer as clear-cut as we previously believed. While many remain exclusively attracted to members of the opposite or the same sex, there is also a large number of people who identify as being sexually fluid.

Such individuals can’t be pigeonholed into one particular category as their feelings and desires constantly shift. To illustrate the point, a person may consider themselves homosexual who enjoys intercourse with members of the same sex using strap ons at one point in their life, but become completely bisexual as the years go by or even lose all interest in sexual activities altogether.

What Causes Sexual Fluidity?

We believe we know what influences sexuality in general – it is a combination of nature and nurture. This means that sexual feelings are partly determined by an individual’s genes and hormones, as well as the environment in which they grew up. The latter is especially important as it shapes our beliefs and attitudes about most things in life, including sex.

With that said, there is no straight answer to what determines sexual fluidity as the factors that contribute to it are not yet known – the science on the subject is still in relative infancy, meaning more research is needed before any real conclusions can be drawn.

How Does Sexual Fluidity Differ From Bisexuality and Pansexuality?

It is important to note that sexual fluidity should not be confused with bisexuality or pansexuality. While all three terms might seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences between them.

Unlike sexual fluidity, both bisexuality and pansexuality are sexual orientations. Bisexuality describes individuals who are attracted to members of two genders in some capacity. Pansexuality, on the other hand, includes people who are attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or sex.

However, that state is more or less constant – a bisexual or pansexual person always feels attracted to certain groups (or a lack thereof, in the case of pansexuality), even if they choose to pursue a relationship with just one sex.

On the other hand, sexual fluidity is more complex as it describes individuals whose feelings are constantly changing – a person can feel sporadic attraction to members of the opposite sex, same-sex, or both with no real pattern to their desires.

Sexual fluidity and bisexuality/pansexuality can coexist without any issues. To illustrate the point, someone who considers themselves bisexual can temporarily feel increased attraction to members of a certain gender without permanently losing interest in others.

How Does Sexual Fluidity Look in Practice?

In many cases, sexual fluidity can manifest in more subtle ways that are not immediately noticeable.

A person may feel strongly attracted to members of the opposite sex but never act on those feelings by engaging in romantic activities with them.

Alternatively, someone might enjoy a certain type of sex with one gender, while feeling no interest in doing the same thing with another. To illustrate the point, an individual might love having passionate intercourse with men but restrain themselves to only kissing women.

As mentioned above, sexually fluid people can also lose interest in sex altogether. They may choose to abstain from intimate activities for a long time, only to regain their sexual desire eventually.

Sexual Fluidity in Relationships

Sexual fluidity can have a profound impact on a person’s romantic life, especially if they are in a long-term relationship.

Any sudden changes in your sexual desires can lead to conflict with your partner, and it may eventually result in a breakup if you’re unable to resolve the issues.

Having an honest and open conversation is always the best way to move forward. Make sure to share any developments with your significant other – if you feel like your sexual feelings are changing, tell them about it and discuss the possible ways to deal with the situation.


Sexual fluidity is an important aspect of human sexuality that is still not fully understood. As science on the subject advances, we should learn more about what determines this complex concept.

In the meantime, it is important to respect everyone’s sexual identity and not ridicule their beliefs or force them into a specific category. We are all different and should be free to express ourselves in any way we choose, no matter how fluid our desires might be.

Hopefully, this article helped you learn more about sexual fluidity and what it means for those who identify as being sexually fluid.

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