Two Metropolitan Police officers, Trainee Detective Constable Pierce Lynch and Detective Constable Jessica Martin, have admitted to engaging in a consensual sexual act in a police station lift following a night out.
The incident occurred on November 16, 2022, after the pair had been drinking at a nearby pub for three hours before returning to Bethnal Green police station to collect their belongings.
According to Elisabeth Acker, representing the Met, the sexual act was interrupted when two other officers, PCs Flaherty and Frost-Smith, entered the lift and discovered the pair engaged in the act.
Ms. Acker stated during the hearing that PC Frost-Smith reportedly told the couple, “This is unacceptable, guys,” before taking the stairs and immediately reporting the incident to a superior.
Lynch and Martin denied gross misconduct but admitted to being intoxicated and engaging in the act. Lynch explained in a written statement, “When we entered the lift, we both started kissing, and things became very passionate very quickly. Jess undid my zip, I undid my top button, and she started touching my penis through my boxers.” He insisted that the act was unplanned and that he was not erect at any point.
Martin claimed she could not recall the event but accepted her participation. Both officers denied that their actions could have been witnessed by the public. However, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Alexis Boon noted that while the officers were off-duty, they should have known that the lift could be accessed by contractors or others.
The panel will decide on Friday, December 13, whether their actions constitute gross misconduct, which could lead to their dismissal. This case highlights broader concerns about professional behavior and accountability within law enforcement agencies.