Government official wanted to pay ugx 5m for sex at a hotel. the Broker asked for nudes to send the guy to guage the sauce he was going to feast on. The chigga ran with the phone and asked martha for ugx 3m.
Some women are too comfortable sharing their nudity and later regret it. Of course the Boyfriend tells her he will never show them to anyone, I love you sooo much etc. 10 minutes later all his friends have her intimate pictures. Some woman do not care if their photos get shared around, others are embarrassed for years when their family , class members and friends get sent the pictures
I admit I had problems with just texting pics to someone I chatted with online a while back even if I hid my face. A few times once they had my number, they kept calling. They heard my message bank and got my real name.
let me not waste your time watch the space:
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